Monday, September 1, 2008

Meet Phil!

Phil : Some of his special intrests are, jello molding (especially things that people treasure most) naked knee boarding (yeah, sorry everyone else who has sat on the knee board..) birthday surprises (are all 75 goldfish still alive?) and going to the movies in the middle of the afternoon.


I am Spartacus said...

Kris, I have always tried to carry myself with a certain amount of quiet dignity. Today, you robbed me of that...

Callie said...

And Phil is a great sub for primary song leader. Everyone loved him including Pres. Hansen. I've only heard good comments. And he has the memory of an elephant. He knows everyones birthday! Now that's amazing and talent! I can't even keep track of my own families.

Unknown said...

ha ha ha ha. Phil, you crack me up.